nepal emblem

Janakpurdham Sub-Metropolitan City

Madhesh Province, Dhanusa


Registration, Social Security, and Union Organization Coordination

The Registration, Social Security, and Union Organization Coordination Branch is responsible for managing and overseeing the registration processes of individuals and organizations. It ensures the proper implementation of social security programs, providing support and benefits to eligible individuals. Additionally, the branch coordinates with various union organizations to streamline activities and enhance cooperation between different entities. By maintaining effective records, facilitating access to social security benefits, and fostering collaboration among unions, this branch plays a crucial role in promoting organizational efficiency and social welfare. Its efforts contribute to a well-organized and supportive framework for both individuals and organizations.

नवीकरण/दर्ताका लािग सिफारिस भएका गैर सरकारी संस्थाहरु

यो डेटासेटमा जनकपुरधाम उप–महानगरपालिका अन्तर्गत सामाजिक विकास शाखाले सिफारिस गरेका गैर सरकारी संस्थाहरुको जानकारी समावेश गरिएको छ। यसमा दर्ताका लागि सिफारिस भएका तथा नवीकरणका लागि सिफारिस भएका संस्थाहरुको नाम, ठेगाना, दर्ता वा नवीकरण मिति, र अन्य सम्बन्धित विवरणहरू समावेश छन्।

Data and Resources

नवीकरणका लािग सिफारिस भएका गैर सरकारी संस्थाहरु

दर्ताका लागि सिफारिस भएका गैर सरकारी संस्थाहरु