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Janakpurdham Sub-Metropolitan City

Madhesh Province, Dhanusa





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8 datasets found

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Number of students across private schools for year 2081

This file contains information about the private schools operating within Janakpurdham Sub-Metropolitan City in the year 2081 (Bikram Sambat). It also includes the number of students studying in these schools. Additionally, the file includes details of schools categorized at the ward level, along with the contact numbers of the principals of these schools.

Last Modified: Sep 11 2024

No of files: 1

Public Schools Information & Students Number across differnt grades for year 2081

This file contains information about the public schools operating within Janakpurdham Sub-Metropolitan City in 2081. It also includes the number of students studying in these schools by grade. Additionally, the file includes details of schools categorized at the ward level, along with the contact numbers of the principals of these schools.

Last Modified: Sep 11 2024

No of files: 1

Students in Religious School across Janakpurdham Sub-Metropolitan City

This dataset includes information on the number of students across different grades in religious schools within the Sub-Metropolitan City

Last Modified: Sep 11 2024

No of files: 1

नवीकरण/दर्ताका लािग सिफारिस भएका गैर सरकारी संस्थाहरु

यो डेटासेटमा जनकपुरधाम उप–महानगरपालिका अन्तर्गत सामाजिक विकास शाखाले सिफारिस गरेका गैर सरकारी संस्थाहरुको जानकारी समावेश गरिएको छ। यसमा दर्ताका लागि सिफारिस भएका तथा नवीकरणका लागि सिफारिस भएका संस्थाहरुको नाम, ठेगाना, दर्ता वा नवीकरण मिति, र अन्य सम्बन्धित विवरणहरू समावेश छन्।

Last Modified: Sep 11 2024

No of files: 2

BCG vaccine- doses

The BCG vaccine is crucial for preventing tuberculosis, especially in high-risk areas like Janakpur. Administered at birth, it forms part of routine immunization. Ensuring adequate doses in Janakpur's healthcare facilities, particularly in rural areas, is essential for maintaining vaccination coverage and protecting the population from TB.

Last Modified: Sep 02 2024

No of files: 1

BCG Vaccine -Doses

The BCG vaccine is crucial for preventing tuberculosis, especially in high-risk areas like Janakpur. Administered at birth, it forms part of routine immunization. Ensuring adequate doses in Janakpur's healthcare facilities, particularly in rural areas, is essential for maintaining vaccination coverage and protecting the population from TB.

Last Modified: Aug 31 2024

No of files: 1

Population and Health Parameters (2080/81)

This dataset contains a ward-wise population of various age groups and various health parameters like nutrition, Estimated PBC, Expected live births, expected pregnancies, etc.

Last Modified: Aug 30 2024

No of files: 1

Roads and Building Data from Digital Metric Addressing System

This dataset contains the raw resources for the roads and building datasets collected from Digital Metric Addressing Systems (DMAPs).

Last Modified: Apr 23 2024

No of files: 2